Alter Nodes

class alterNodes.mutate(parent)[source]

This node does a bitflip mutation while creating new solutions


This function calculates the number of nodes below it and including itself


This function evaluates the node and returns the resulting set

fillTerms(sets, settings)[source]

After the bbsa places all of the non-terminal nodes, this funciton is called to place the terminal nodes at the bottom of the parse tree

makeProg(numTab, var)[source]

This function generates the code for this node for the external verification

randomize(sets, settings)[source]

This function randomizes the parameters of the node if there are any


This function is used to create a dictionary representaion of the bbsa


This function is used to create a string representaion of the bbsa

update(depth, sets, settings)[source]

This function updates the heights and depths and ensures that the settings pointer is pointing to the right settings object

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