Source code for settings

class settings:
    This class stores a majority of the settings that can be altered in the algorithm.
    It is also used to store the current state of a given run, to keep track of evaluations and operations.

[docs] def __init__(self): """ default constructor """ self.seed = None self.problemType = 'dTrap' self.trapSize = 7 self.stepSize = 2 self.nk = 5 self.dimensions = 30 self.nkFile='' self.maxDepth = 5 self.maxEvals = 50000 self.maxChilds = 25 self.maxN = 10 self.maxIterations = 10000 self.converge = 25 self.numRuns = 5 self.maxK = 25 self.maxCount = 25 self.solSet = {'length':210,'rate':.1} self.curEvals = 0 self.initPop = 50 self.curOp = 0 self.maxOp = 500000 self.parsimony = .001