Source code for Util

Module containing a host of useful functions that do not fall into more
explicit categories.
import inspect
import json
import random
import math
import os
import itertools

[docs]def classMethods(classType): ''' Given a class type, return a dictionary mapping string names of that class's methods to the actual method. For instance ``classMethod(LTGA)['twoParentCrossover']`` will return the ``twoParentCrossover`` function. Parameters: - ``classType``: Specifies what class to retrieve methods for. ''' return dict(inspect.getmembers(classType, inspect.ismethod))
[docs]def moduleClasses(module): ''' Given a module, return a dictionary mapping string names of that module's classes to the actual classes. For instance ``moduleClasses(FitnessFunction)['DeceptiveTrap']`` will return the ``DeceptiveTrap`` class. Parameters: - ``module``: Specifies what module to retrieve classes for. ''' return dict(inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isclass))
[docs]def loadConfiguration(filename, fileMethod=open): ''' Loads a json from the given file name. Optional file method allows for compressed files. Parameters: - ``filename``: The relative path to the file to be loaded. - ``fileMethod``: Handler to use to open the file. Defaults to regular open. ''' with fileMethod(filename, 'r') as f: return json.load(f)
[docs]def loadConfigurations(filenames, fileMethod=open): ''' Given a list of file names, create a single dictionary containing all of their contents. Repeated keywords will override previously encountered values. Optional file method allows for compressed files. Parameters: - ``filenames``: A list of relative paths to the files to be loaded. - ``fileMethod``: Handler to use to open the file. Defaults to regular open. ''' result = {} for filename in filenames: result.update(loadConfiguration(filename, fileMethod)) return result
[docs]def saveConfiguration(filename, data, fileMethod=open): ''' Writes a block of json-able data to the specifed file path. Parameters: - ``filename``: The relative path to the file to be written to. - ``data``: Data that can be converted to a json. IE dictionaries and lists. - ``fileMethod``: Handler to use to open the file. Defaults to regular open. ''' with fileMethod(filename, 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f)
[docs]def saveList(filename, data): ''' Write out a list of jsons in a more human readable way than ``saveConfiguration``. Parameters: - ``filename``: The relative path to the file to be written to. - ``data``: A list of json-able data to be written ''' with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write('[' + os.linesep) for lineNumber, line in enumerate(data): json.dump(line, f) if lineNumber != len(data) - 1: f.write(",") f.write(os.linesep) f.write(']' + os.linesep)
[docs]def randomBitString(length): ''' Generate and return a random list of 0s and 1s. Parameters: - ``length``: The length of the list to be generated. ''' generated = bin(random.getrandbits(length))[2:] # String of bits leadingZeros = '0' * (length - len(generated)) + generated return map(int, leadingZeros)
[docs]def median(data, default=0): ''' Given a data set, return the median value. Parameters: - ``data``: The data to find the median of. - ``default``: If ``data`` contains no information, what value should be returned. Defaults to 0. ''' ordered = sorted(data) size = len(ordered) if size == 0: return default elif size % 2 == 1: return ordered[(size - 1) / 2] else: return (ordered[(size / 2)] + ordered[size / 2 - 1]) / 2.0
[docs]def meanstd(data): ''' Returns the mean and standard deviation of the given data. Parameters: - ``data``: The data to find the mean and standard deviation of. ''' try: mean = float(sum(data)) / len(data) std = math.sqrt(sum([(value - mean) ** 2 for value in data]) / len(data)) return mean, std except (ZeroDivisionError, TypeError): return 0, 0
[docs]def binaryCounter(bits): ''' Creates a generator that will count through all possible values for a set number of bits. Returned in counting order. For instance, ``binaryCounter(3)`` will yield, 000, 001, 010, 011 ... 110, 111. Parameters: - ``bits`` The number of bits in the binary counter. ''' return itertools.product((0, 1), repeat=bits)